Joy Lieberthal Rho will share her clinical and lived experience of working with and among international adoptees as they journey through parenthood. Understanding that adoption always adds an extra layer of complexity to all life milestones, becoming biological parents for adoptees presents particular issues and needs for intervention and awareness.
1 CE Available
After completing this webinar participants will be able to…
- Identify three specific perinatal mental health challenges for new adoptee parents.
- Discuss issues of attachment, bonding, and abandonment, and control impact on the postpartum experience of a new adoptee parent.
Community Partners FBO Maternal Mental Health NOW is the sponsor of continuing education for this learning module and is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Community Partners FBO Maternal Mental Health NOW as the sponsor maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Joy Lieberthal Rho, LCSW (she/her)
Joy Lieberthal Rho, LCSW is a social worker/counselor in private practice and also at the Juilliard School in NY. She is Co-Founder of, an online mental health and wellness resource for the international adoptee community. She has been involved with the international adoptee community for over 25 years, as a founding member and former president of Also-Known-As, policy analyst at Donaldson Adoption Institute and staff at a private adoption agency in NYC. Joy created the original mentorship program for Also-Known-As and also for Spence-Chapin Adoption agency. Dedicated to working within the Asian American and adoptee community, Joy worked as a clinical supervisor at the Korean American Family Service Center, a domestic violence service organization. Joy is adopted from Korea, was found by her birthmother in 1994 and continues to be in reunion with her.