As a result of your contributions, in 2022-23 we reached over 2,300 health care and mental health care providers, over 100 Black birth workers have opted into the LA County Black birth workers community, 609 participants from across the country joined our virtual Courageous Conversations series, and there were 576 downloads of the Queer and Trans Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit.

You have made lasting change in our community. Amplify your impact in 2023-24 by making a gift today!

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Ways to Support

Support our training experts and help build the capacity of health care institutions and social service organizations across Los Angeles County.

You can make a difference in the lives of over 30,000 new families.

$50 helps one person share their story

$100 makes referrals to local resources

$300 supports training scholarships

$500 provides a certificate training for clinicians

$2500 provides a half day training for health care and mental health providers

Any amount contributed helps us change lives through their stories.

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Maternal Mental Health NOW | Donate


we can promote family well-being by ensuring that all birthing people and their families receive culturally responsive perinatal mental health education and care, free from stigma.

TRAINING: Developed and delivered curricula to 19,000+ health and social service providers
AWARENESS: Each year 30,000 birthing people and their families have become more comfortable seeking support and sharing their stories

POLICY: Co-sponsored three California Assembly Bills that represent the United States’ first comprehensive maternal mental health bill package

Donate Today
Maternal Mental Health NOW |


we can promote family well-being by ensuring that all mothers, fathers and caregivers receive culturally responsive perinatal mental health education and care, free from stigma.

TRAINING: Developed and delivered curricula to 12,000+ health and social service providers

AWARENESS: Each year 25,000 women and their families have become more comfortable seeking support and speaking out about their experiences

POLICY: Co-sponsored three California Assembly Bills that represent the United States’ first comprehensive maternal mental health bill package

Donate Today
Maternal Mental Health NOW |
Amber’s Personal Story

“At exactly 20 weeks pregnant with my second child, I woke up in the middle of the night and had a massive panic attack. I thought I was dying. I had three more panic attacks that night. And they did not stop. After three days of not sleeping, I ended up in the ER… No one knew what to do.”

View More Personal Stories

We center our programming on individuals’ lived experience and community wisdom. Help cultivate community voices by making a donation.

MAKE A GIFT TODAY because birthing people and families with stories like Amber deserve more options.


I love Maternal Mental Health NOW and telling my story helped me greatly to find peace and healing.

Lauren A.

“During this challenging time of Covid 19, I want to help women find the resources they need for support. Please speak up when you’re down!”

Cathy D.

“I’m on the training faculty of Maternal Mental Health NOW and I am committed to making a difference in the lives of women and families. Stories help make that difference.”

Diana B.

“I want to help ensure that women facing financial hardships have access to the mental health support that they need.”

Linda L.


I love Maternal Mental Health NOW and telling my story helped me greatly to find peace and healing.

Lauren A.

“During this challenging time of Covid 19, I want to help women find the resources they need for support. Please speak up when you’re down!”

Cathy D.

“I’m on the training faculty of Maternal Mental Health NOW and I am committed to making a difference in the lives of women and families. Stories help make that difference.”

Diana B.

“I want to help ensure that women facing financial hardships have access to the mental health support that they need.”

Linda L.


The Ahmanson

The Atlas Family

California Health
Care Foundation



Tikun Olam



Contact Kimberly Gray at [email protected] for more information about sponsorship, partnerships or collaborations with Maternal Mental Health NOW to support health care providers and the families we serve.

Make a donation online or mail to:

Community Partners
P. O. Box 741265
Los Angeles, CA 90074

Make checks payable to
Community Partners FBO Maternal Mental Health NOW